Wednesday, September 29, 2010


As you can tell, I have a new header as we all do. My blog was originally named Thunderbolt Bailey. I though it was lame so I changed it to Sierra & Dasies seeing how dasies are my favorite. How'd I do it?
In Google images, I searched daisies and found a simple picture. I used a satin layer style on the background & applied a diffuse glow. I dimmed the glow down some. and moved on to the text. Using Pokemon Solid ( :D) font, I obviously wrote Sierra & Daisies. I colored the first text a deep brown & the duplicated layer white. I lowered the opacity and applied a bevel to the first text layer. I don't remember exactly but I chnged a few other things too. I applied a cream colored inner glow to the duplicated layer. I also applied a drop shadow. And Sha-Bam!